More like Gregg Swearhalter right

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Is Swearhalter first dubbed here? Watke, make us famous.

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Interesting to consider that Tessman's diction and speech patterns are actually European-coded (the addition of "yeah?" being a signifier) - perhaps there's another foul-mouthed actor influencing him? Maybe even a European USMNT staffer acting as the man behind the curtain, peddling his potty-mouthed material unto others. In this scenario, Berhalter is merely a Manchurian Candidate.

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I’d like to see more diversity in both his swear words and his in-game tactics.

It’s all too predictable.

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Potty mouth!

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Would like to see Watke add dates to each Berhalter swear. Maybe add a Google Sheet to the Google doc with that data so that the usage of f*** can be charted over time. Just spitballing here

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It’s okay he’ll instagram a Bible verse after

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